Nitro Type

By carriekaler Feb15,2024

My parents forced me to take a typing class in high school. Even though I could have left after half day my senior year, I elected to obey their orders and take typing for the only class after lunch break.

This ended up being something entirely useful. Who knew parents could be right sometimes?

In 1995, we were just discovering the internet. How was I to know that I would spend most of my time typing for 8 hours a day at work, every single day of my life? Not only that, I would come home and spend a majority of that time typing on the computer as well?

I had a feeling I typed fast. So I looked up typing speed tests. I came across this game, Nitro Type, where you race against others online by typing. It calculates your WPM (words per minute).

I logged in and started racing. 4 months later, I am still doing this every day. Why? I don’t really know. I guess it is somewhat addicting. Also, there is f validation in winning races. It feels good to know you are good at something, right?

Anyway, the game is fun. It has personal challenges to win cars, trails, and stickers. You can join teams to

race against other teams and win fake money to buy more cars, trails, and stickers.

For the record, my fastest recorded WPM on the game is 146. My average typing speed is 117 WMP.

What is yours?

I was not approached by Nitro Type or compensated for this story.

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