Python Program: Birthday Wish Sender

By carriekaler May2,2024

100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Boot Camp – Day 32 Project.

Learning sending email using smtplib package.

The program also uses datetime package to retrieve current date/time in order to isolate day and month to compare with birthdays.csv file in root folder and see if there is a match with any of the birthdays.

If there is a match with any of the birthdays, the program will randomly select a birthday wish letter from the letter templates folder. It will replace the [NAME] with name of birthday contact, then send the email to the contact’s email address.

  1. Choose ‘Open in Replit’
  2. Select ‘Run’ to use the program
  3. Change contact information in ‘birthdays.csv’ file (change birthday to today’s date, email to your email address) before running the program

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